Help and guideline is never far away.

Help and guideline is never far away.

Enjoy the personalized services and extraordinary benefits at Citi®. Obtain practical information on how to use credit wisely, download useful documents and forms, or read up on the due payment policy from our suite of Products & Services below.

Cardholder's Guide

  • Download card application forms and flexi-autopay authorization forms
  • Understand your bills and the minimum payment due policy
  • Discover hints, benefits, Credit Card agreements, Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and much more.
  • Remarks: The transaction date states in credit card statement is provided and maybe converted to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by the card associations.



  • Here you can download supplementary card application forms and flexi-autopay authorization forms, making your banking easier every day.

Minimum Payment Due Policy

Minimum Payment Due Policy

  • Citi® will help you to better understand your bills, so no matter where you are or what your situation, you can always make your payments on time. Find the most suitable options for you.

Useful Documents

Useful Documents

  • Everything you need is just a click away with Citi® convenient download options. Discover hints, benefits, Credit Card agreements, Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and much more. Never leave your questions unanswered.

Credit Card Minimum Payment Calculator

Credit Card Minimum Payment Calculator

  • Use the calculator to get a better idea of your repayments and how to handle them (for reference only).

Card Transaction Dispute Guide

Card Transaction Dispute Guide

  • You may find here the information on how you can submit a credit card transaction dispute with us, in case you have identified a card transaction you do not recognize, or you are having an issue with an item you have paid for.